blog 6
Cold storage is a decentralized type of storage provided to investors through the Safepal decentralized security efficiency, this is where investors can move any financial asset in form of USD and any cryptocurrency so as to prevent fluctuations and financial market caused losses. Contact the support for more information.

Our investment management teams ensure assets entrusted to by its clients are invested strategically and in alignment with their respective investment policies to produce sustainable, long-term investment performance. Our Fixed Income investments provide diversified fixed income exposure to clients and consistent, superior risk-adjusted returns during different market cycles. The objective of our Fixed Income portfolios is to provide our clients with capital preservation, liquidity and superior, risk-controlled return relative to a benchmark.
The team manages fixed income portfolios for both balanced fund and government fund clients with different maturity targets (ranging from money market, short, mid, long and real return bond) and credit risk targets. This group actively manages various public and private credit investments such as investment grade corporate credits, private placements, mortgages and private debt & loan portfolios.